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Web Focused Search

CERN Search service also provides Focused web search. Therefore, your website will be crawled, meaning that all its content will be extracted, and you will be able to search among its content by sumbitting queries to an enpoint that will be provided to you.

This is appropriate for cases when you wish to provide your users with an easy way to find subpages or content within your site.


The crawler will only scrape through the links that are mentioned in the robots.txt file and explicitly linked in along your site. There is no way of getting the data for those URLs that are not known to the crawler.

In order to get a focused web search instance open a Service Now ticket, specifying the site for which you wish to get the instance.

Focused web search

As of 01-03-2019 focused web search endpoints are only available for static public websites. We are working to enable this on JavaScript rendered and private sites.