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CERN Search as a Service

The purpose of CERN Search as a Service is to provide enterprise search capabilities for services, and focused web search for websites.

Therefore, if you choose an enterprise search instance we will provide you with an endpoint, where to send all youd documents and files, and then, submit queries that will generate relevant results.

If, on the other hand, you opt for a focused web search instance we will provide you with an endpoint, where you can submit queries that will generate results from your website's content only. However, you will not need to send the data to us. We will crawl your website and retrieve all its content, and keep it up to date with a maximum refresh delay of 12 hours.

Focused web search

As of 01-03-2019 focused web search endpoints are only available for static public websites. We are working to enable this on JavaScript rendered and private sites.

For both types of instances we provide acess control to the documents, binary files (i.e. all type of files, including text files) content extraction, and CRUD operations via a RESTful API. Keep reading along to know how is all this achieved and which implications it has.

CERN Search

All CERN public web content is indexed and made available though the CERN Search portal. However, this has not yet been migrated to a new instance.